about shipping cost
Shipping fee nationwide: 770 yen (tax included)
About payment methods

Credit card payment
※ Acceptable credit cards / VISA、MasterCard、American Express、JCB

※Credit cards issued overseas cannot be used.
※Please use a card in the name of the person making the order. If the billing address does not match the address on your monthly credit card or bank statement, you may not be able to complete the transaction.
※Please enter your security code to ensure safe shopping. If the security code is not listed or you are unsure, please contact your credit card issuer.
※The date and time of withdrawal will depend on the deadline date and contract details of each credit card. Please contact your credit card issuer for details.
※If it takes several days for the product to be delivered, your payment may be debited before the product arrives.

Number of payments
Lump-sum payment

Order/payment confirmation date
At the time of order completion

About the timing of withdrawal
At our store, payment will be confirmed at the time of completion of order/reservation. Depending on the timing of your order, your credit card company's debit date may arrive before the product arrives, such as made-to-order items or pre-order items that take time to be delivered. Since card withdrawals are based on the contract between the customer and the card company, we cannot adjust the billing date or change the debit date with the card company. Please note.

please confirm
Please note that you may not be able to process credit card payments in the following cases.
If the following does not apply to you, the error may be resolved by processing the payment on another terminal.

● You are using a credit card that is not accepted by our store.
● There is an error in entering the card number
● There is an error in the card name input (entered in kanji rather than Roman characters, including different uppercase and lowercase letters)
● The card expiration date has passed
● There is an error in entering the security code
● The card has reached its spending limit.
● The billed amount exceeds the one-time usage limit
● Using a card not issued in Japan
● The billing address doesn't match the address on your monthly card or bank statement

About product shipping methods and delivery dates

Your ordered products will be delivered via Yamato Transport, Sagawa Express, or Japan Post.
We will select a delivery service depending on the quantity of your order. Please note that we cannot accept requests for specific shipping companies.
After shipping is complete, you can check the delivery status by searching the invoice number.

As a general rule, shipping will be arranged and delivered within 2 to 5 days after receiving your order.
However, delivery may be delayed due to weather conditions, manufacturing and inventory status.

If you don't receive the email

If you do not receive an email after payment, the following may be the cause

you have set up a spam filter
Your mobile email(docomo / au / softbank career email) or provider email may have a spam prevention feature set by default, and emails sent from our shop may be automatically sorted into your spam folder or trash can. Please check it once.

If you do not receive the notification email due to spam filter settings, please set up permission to receive "@unua.jp" in the domain specified reception. We cannot respond to inquiries regarding settings.

[How to set/cancel domain specified reception]
・NTT Docomo
・Apple iCloud
Incorrect email address entered
It is possible that the email address you registered is incorrect. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Mail server capacity exceeded
Email servers have limited capacity, and if you do not delete emails regularly, your inbox may become full and will not accept new emails. If you are concerned, please delete the email on the server.

About delivery notes and receipts

About receipts

credit card
The usage statement sent by your credit card company will serve as your receipt.

Contact information

UNUA customer support


9:00~18:00(Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, summer vacation, and winter vacation)

