
These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") are the services provided by YND LAB Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") on this EC site (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). ). Registered members (hereinafter referred to as "members") must use this service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Application)

1.These Terms shall apply to all relationships between members and the Company regarding the use of this Service.

2.The rules regarding the use of this service posted by our company on this EC site shall constitute a part of these Terms.

3.In the event that the content of these Terms differs from the rules in the preceding paragraph or other explanations of the Service outside of these Terms, the provisions of these Terms shall take precedence.

Article 2 (User Registration)

1.Those who wish to use this service (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Applicants") agree to comply with these Terms and provide certain information specified by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Matters"). ) You can apply to our company for registration to use this service.

2.Registration for use shall be completed when the person wishing to register applies for use registration according to the method specified by the Company, the Company approves the application, and notifies the person wishing to register to that effect.

3.If the Company determines that the applicant has any of the following reasons, the Company may not approve the user registration application, and shall not be obligated to disclose the reason.

  • (1)If false registration information is reported when applying for user registration
  • (2)If the Company determines that the application is from a person who has violated these Terms or a person related to the same.
  • (3)If the person is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship, or a person under assistance, and the consent, etc. of a legal representative, guardian, curator, or assistant has not been obtained.
  • (4)Anti-social forces, etc. (meaning organized crime groups, organized crime group members, right-wing groups, anti-social forces, and other similar persons; the same shall apply hereinafter), or maintaining or operating anti-social forces, etc. through funding or other means. Or if the Company determines that the Company has any kind of interaction with anti-social forces, etc., such as cooperating with or being involved in management.
  • (5)In other cases where the Company determines that the registration for use is inappropriate.

Article 3 (Changes to registered matters)

If there are any changes to the registered information, the member shall notify the Company of the changes without delay using the method specified by the Company.

Article 4 (Management of member ID and password)

1.Members shall manage their member IDs and passwords for this service at their own responsibility.

2.Members may not transfer or lend their member ID and password to a third party under any circumstances. If the combination of member ID and password matches the registered information and the user logs in, the Company will assume that the member ID is being used by the registered member himself/herself.

Article 5 (Product price and payment method)

If a member purchases a product using this service, the member shall pay the price of the product separately determined by the company and displayed on this EC site by the method specified by the company.

Article 6 (Shipping and handling charges)

Shipping and handling charges displayed on this EC site shall be borne by the member.

Article 7 (Exchange/Return)

1.If the product does not conform to the contents of the individual contract and the member notifies us via the inquiry form within 7 days after the product arrives, the company will replace the product regardless of whether it has been opened or not. shall be done. In this case, we will bear the shipping costs for the exchange.

2.Except in the cases stipulated in the preceding paragraph or in cases where the Company is found to be in default, members may not request cancellation of individual contracts or returns or exchanges after shipping.

Article 8 (Handling of refusal of acceptance)

If the member refuses to receive the ordered product, the Company may, at its discretion, cancel the individual contract related to the order, and the Company will reimburse the member for the round-trip shipping costs incurred in shipping and returning the product. Actual expenses may be claimed.

Article 9 (Prohibited matters)

Members must not engage in any of the following acts when using this service.

  • (1)Acts that violate laws or public order and morals
  • (2)Acts related to criminal acts
  • (3)Fraud, intimidation, infringement of rights, or other nuisance acts against the Company, other members, or other third parties.
  • (4)Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of our server or network
  • (5)Acts that may interfere with the operation of our services
  • (6)Acts of collecting or accumulating personal information, etc. about other members
  • (7)Acts of impersonating another member or third party
  • (8)Acts that directly or indirectly provide benefits to anti-social forces, etc. in connection with our services.
  • (9)Acts of using this service for commercial purposes
  • (10)Attempting any of the acts listed in the preceding items.
  • (11)Other acts that our company deems inappropriate.

Article 10 (Suspension of provision of this service, etc.)

1.If the Company determines that any of the following reasons exists, the Company may suspend or suspend the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the Member.

  • (1)When performing maintenance, inspection or updating of computer systems related to this service
  • (2)If it becomes difficult to provide this service due to force majeure such as earthquake, lightning, fire, power outage, or natural disaster.
  • (3)If a computer or communication line, etc. stops due to an accident.
  • (4)If the Company reasonably determines that it is difficult to provide the Service due to operational or technical reasons for the Service.

2.The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages or damages incurred by members or third parties due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of the Service pursuant to the preceding paragraph.

Article 11 (Use restrictions and registration cancellation)

1.In the following cases, the Company may restrict the use of all or part of the Service or cancel the member's registration without prior notice to the member.

  • (1)If you violate any of the provisions of these Terms
  • (2)If it is discovered that there are false facts in the registered information
  • (3)If payments are suspended or become insolvent, or if there is a petition for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation, or similar proceedings.
  • (4)If it is found that each item of Article 2, Paragraph 3 applies.
  • (5)In addition, if our company determines that the use of this service is inappropriate

2.The Company shall not be held responsible for any damage caused to Members due to the Company's actions pursuant to this article.

Article 12 (Disclaimer)

1.Our company's liability for non-performance shall be waived if the failure is not due to our intention or gross negligence.

2.The Company is not responsible for any transactions, communications, or disputes that occur between members and other members or third parties regarding this service.

Article 13 (Handling of personal information)

Our company will appropriately manage members' personal information in accordance with our separately established privacy policy.

Article 14 (Changes in service content, etc.)

The Company may change the content of the Service or discontinue the provision of the Service without notifying the Member, and shall not be responsible for any damage caused to the Member as a result of this.

Article 15 (Changes to Terms of Use)

If the Company deems it necessary, the Company may change these Terms after notifying members by posting on this EC site or other appropriate method.

Article 16 (Notification or Communication)

1.Notifications or communications between members and the Company shall be made in the manner determined by the Company.

2.If the Company contacts or sends a notification to the email address or other contact information included in the registered information, the member will be deemed to have received the contact or notification.

Article 17 (Prohibition of transfer of rights and obligations)

1.Members may not transfer their status under the usage contract or the rights or obligations based on these Terms to a third party or provide them as collateral without the prior written consent of the Company.

2.In the event that the Company transfers the business related to this service to another company (including in any case where the business is transferred such as a company split), the Company will change the status under the Terms of Use, the rights and obligations based on the Terms of Use, and the rights and obligations based on the Terms of Use. Members' registered information and other customer information may be transferred to the transferee of the business transfer, and the member shall be deemed to have consented to such transfer in advance.

Article 18 (Attribution of rights)

All intellectual property rights related to this EC site and this service belong to our company or those who have licensed it to us, and the license to use this service based on these Terms is limited to our company or those who have licensed it to us. This does not imply a license to use any intellectual property rights of any person.

Article 19 (Severability)

Even if any provision or portion of these Terms is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect.

Article 20 (Governing law/jurisdiction)

1.When interpreting these Terms, Japanese law shall be the governing law.

2.If a dispute arises regarding this service, the court with jurisdiction over the location of our company's head office will be the exclusive court of first instance.

Thank you.

